Unveiling the Power of BrainTap Therapy

Feeling stressed, unfocused, or like your mind just can’t catch up? BrainTap therapy offers a unique solution. It uses a combination of brainwave entrainment with light and sound, mimicking the natural patterns your brain produces during states of deep relaxation, focus, and even sleep.

Sweat smarter, feel better

What is BrainTap Therapy?

BrainTap refers to a technology designed to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and improved mental well-being. Brain Tap typically involves the use of a headset equipped with light and sound stimulation, combined with guided meditation or audio programs. The goal is to create a multisensory experience that helps users achieve a state of deep relaxation and mental focus.

The BrainTap system often incorporates audio visual entrainment (AVE) through pulsing light and synchronised sound frequencies. Users wear the headset, and the device delivers a combination of soothing sounds, light patterns, and spoken-word sessions to guide the brain into a more relaxed state. Potential benefits such as stress reduction, improved sleep, enhanced focus, and a more positive mood can be gained with a session.

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30 mins



Essential Benefits of
BrainTap Therapy

BrainTap Therapy is a quick and easy way to optimise your brain’s peak potential – any time, anywhere.


BrainTap restores your ability, balance and energy – breaking through the overwhelm and makes it possible for you to thrive in overdrive.


Our brainwaves mimic the pulse rates of the sounds to which we’re exposed. By listening to the varied frequencies and holographic music in Brain Tap’s unique audio programs, you can enjoy a healthy and balanced state of brain fitness.

Improved Sleep Quality

By promoting relaxation and potentially reducing stress hormones, Brain tap therapy may help you fall asleep faster and experience deeper, more restorative sleep.

Feel Calmer

BrainTap creates a symphony of brainwave activity, a feeling of calm focus that’s just right for learning and productivity. Each session is designed with brainwave balance in mind.

Stress Relief

The calming, rejuvenating effects of BrainTap therapy serve to balance your nervous system and inoculate you against the stressors of everyday life.

Increased Energy Levels

By promoting better sleep and reducing stress, BrainTap therapy may indirectly improve your energy levels and help you feel more revitalized.

frequently Asked Questions

We are sure you have some questions!

Each session varies in length, with the average around 25-30 mins. You can choose  an individual session or select a program option and work your way through each session.

BrainTap sessions can be used individually once or repeated as often as required. You can choose to repeat sessions or try a new one each time depending on what your goal is.

What To Expect: Your First Time with BrainTap Therapy

A Step-by-Step Guide to BrainTap Session

Before Your Session

During Your Session

After Your Session

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