Complaints Process & Policy
Last updated: 24 May 2023
The complaint process & policy for lokahi wellness
The complaint process will be transparent and accessible and includes:
> any person could make a complaint, including anonymously lodging a complaint about supports or services provided.
> complaints should be dealt with directly and quickly at the point of service, unless the complaint requires further investigation.
> the outcome of the complaint will be provided in writing for complaints of a more significant nature.
> enable people with a disability who are using LoKAHI Wellness services to know how to make a complaint to the service provider and to the NDIS Commission as required.
> the centre manager is the designated complaints manager, who’s responsible for:
1. coordinating the handling of complaints and ensuring the complaint is properly managed.
2. ensure appropriate support and assistance is provided to any person who wishes to make or has made a complaint.
3. remind people that it’s okay to have support when making a complaint and offering support can increase their confidence and reduce anxiety.
4. asking if the complainant needs support from staff, family of an advocacy service during the complaints handling process.
Complaints are:
> acknowledged, assessed and resolved in a fair, efficient and timely manner most complaints will be dealt with within 24 hours of receipt,
> appropriately actioned in relation to issues raised in complaints,
> actioned for reasonable steps to ensure any person who makes a complaint,
> any affected person is advised how to make a complaint to a larger consumer body such as: the NDIS Commission or consumer affairs, and that the appropriate information or assistance is provided to contact the overseeing body to the complaint.
> A review process is available to issues raised in complaints and identify and address systemic issues and actions identified through the complaints process. The process of review is the responsibility of the Director.
> Records will be kept for 7 years from the date the record was made. This requirement ensures all persons are aware of their rights and can advocate for their needs and safety where appropriate.
Procedural fairness
> The rules relating to the complaints management and resolution system is underpinned by the principles of procedural fairness when dealing with a complaint.
> All LoKAHI Wellness staff understand they are bound by the NDIS Code of Conduct.
Referring complaints
> The complaints management and resolution system must ensure that complaints are referred or notified to any other regulatory bodies if required by law such as:
Work Health and Safety
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Complaints Management Workflow
Complaints Management Workflow